Chapter 13: Troubles with early summer lunch.

The next day, Zeke informed Helena at work that a royal chef would be there to help today, and she rejoiced. Keith came at the appointed time, and he was introduced to Helena. To Zeke’s surprise, Helena recognized him.

Apparently Keith had come by every so often as a customer. He was quite memorable as it was rare for a man to come to the café alone. Keith’s friendliness was no obstacle for Helena and they hit it off right away.

Zeke didn’t know Keith came to the café as he was always cooped up in the kitchen cooking. He found Keith’s friendliness appalling, but he tried to convince himself that it was better than an awkward kitchen.

There wasn’t much time until the café opened, so they busied themselves with preparations. First Zeke explained the equipment and cooking ware. While he listened, Keith tried handling all the tools, including adjusting the heat of the stove. As expected of a chef, he examined each tool closely.

Once Zeke finished explaining the equipment, he talked about the lunch menu today. Keith looked at the list of recipes and asked, “Did Lady Risa think up this menu?”

“No, I did.”

“… I see.”

Keith muttered under his breath after some thought. His tone felt off to Zeke, but they had no time for him to question Keith further.

Keith did his work efficiently, asking questions whenever he couldn’t find tools or he didn’t understand the recipe.

At first they both prepared lunch when the store opened, but soon Keith could handle all the lunch orders by himself. Zeke left lunch to Keith and concentrated on preparing the desserts for tea time. The sponge cakes and tart bases were already baked, so he decorated them with fruits, custard and whipping cream.

He worked on the shortcake that was quickly becoming a regular item on the menu and fruit tarts filled with custard and decorated with fruits of the current season. No-bake cheesecakes and the popular puddings were already chilling in the fridge.

Once he finished decorating, he moved to bake the meat pies for people who didn’t like sweets.

Because they had Keith, the café ran much smoother than the day before yesterday. Angelica still came to help out, but once the lunch crowd slowed, she went back to work at the magical tools store.

It was around the end of lunch time when Helena entered the kitchen with a troubled expression.

“Mister Keith, we’ve sold out all the pasta lunch sets for today, right?”

“Aahh, yeah.”

“I knew it…”

Helena slumped her shoulders and left the kitchen, only to return in a flurry.

“Would it be possible to make one more serving of the pasta lunch set? I recommended a different set, but the customer persisted that they would like the pasta…”

Keith peeked into the fridge at Helena’s words.

“Well, we don’t have enough ingredients… It’s technically possible to make it if we don’t add the mallow topping. Could you ask the customer if they would still be okay with that?”

Keith suggested, and Helena left the kitchen with a bright “yes!” She immediately returned to say, “The customer would be fine with that.”


Keith had already started boiling water, and upon Helena’s reply he began to cook the pasta. Zeke sighed in relief, having watched the whole affair.

The finished pasta sans mallow set was brought out of the kitchen by Helena, and lunch time finally ended.

Zeke checked the stock of desserts and began to make more, prioritizing the ones that were more popular—today, that was the no-bake cheesecake, pudding, and ice cream. While he could make more pudding, they had no more cream cheese to make cheesecake, so he made the fruit jelly he brought to Risa the other day instead.

Zeke put Keith in charge of washing all the dishes from lunch time while he concentrated on making sweets.

After a while, Keith finished the dishes and came over, asking Zeke to give him something to do.

Zeke set him to work on cookies. Although they didn’t have an immediate need for it, it was a favorite on the to-go menu, so there was no harm in cooking more.

Keith quickly learned how to work with the baking tray and hummed while he worked. However, he would leave the kitchen to help Helena at the front when it got busy, and his quick reactions helped keep the café running smoothly. Zeke was impressed by how well he adapted to a new setting and his ability.

Even though there was a small incident with the shortage of pasta lunch sets, closing time rolled by with the employees much more relaxed and comfortable with their workload.

Keith had washed dishes whenever he was free, so there wasn’t much left to wash. Zeke finished up the last few teacups and looked around the kitchen to see if he had missed anything. That was when he saw the pot left on the stove. He opened the lid and exclaimed, “… What…”

The pot still held a large amount of stew.

“Ahh… So you’ve noticed?”

Keith stopped cleaning the countertop to look towards Zeke.

“Why is there so much left?”

Not only were there more than one or two servings, but the pot was still half full. Zeke took a step forward and questioned Keith, who seemed to know something.

“Calm down, I’ll explain in a bit. Here, Helena, you should come and listen too.”

Keith raised a hand to stop Zeke from advancing further and waved to Helena. Once they surrounded the pot on the stove, he began his explanation.

“Regarding the lunch sets, pasta was all sold out to the point of shortage while there was a lot of soup left.”

Keith glanced at the pot. Helena looked inside for the first time and mumbled, “this much?”

“Do you know why, Zeke?”

They had always prepared two lunch sets, but there had never been such an imbalance in the orders before. Zeke mulled over what went wrong.

Next to him, Helena slowly began to speak.

“… This is just my gut, but… Was it because the weather was so good today?”

She said with no confidence, to which Keith nodded.

… The weather was good? What does that have to do with anything?

Zeke still didn’t understand.

“What about it, you ask?”

Keith said, and Zeke jumped at his words.

“The lunch set entree for today was either summer vegetable oil pasta or summer vegetable stew. The customers took one look at the menu Helena wrote on the blackboard and decided on pasta. On a hot day like this, do you think customers would order hot stew? If I was a customer, I wouldn’t unless I had some very important reason. Stew is best eaten when you feel cold. Stew is thick, so it’s hard to cool, and the flavor is rich from the milk. There was really only one choice for lunch today, especially for regulars who had eaten stew before.”

Zeke had no words to defend himself. Looking back now, the cold desserts sold well, and he washed many glasses. Keith’s silence upon seeing the menu must have been because he had foreseen this problem.

“Well, the ingredients might be wasted but you learned something! It’s your first time deciding the menu for the day, too. Don’t worry about it.”

Zeke was furious that he hadn’t seen the problem at all. Not only that, but it had to be spelled out to him by Keith of all people, as if to rub salt on an open wound. Zeke closed his right hand into a fist until his knuckles turned white.

“I didn’t notice this either when I was trying to make up menus at the royal palace. According to Lady Risa, people have different tastes for different things depending how they feel as well as the weather and temperature that day. If you think about it, you’d want to drink something cold on a hot day or when you’re thirsty, right? That also applies to food. I kind of got it after eating the food Lady Risa makes, but I’m still nowhere near Lady Risa’s level when it comes to menu-making. Her power comes from knowing all of this as if it were common sense. Well, you learn by doing, eh? Practice makes perfect.”

Keith patted Zeke’s shoulder, said “good luck,” and returned to cleaning the countertop.

In the end, Zeke brought home the rest of the stew as his family had more mouths to feed.

His mother was happy to save some food money, and his stew-loving sister jumped for joy, but Zeke did not find the stew tasty at all.

Oof, growing pains are real.


Chapter 12: Someone came to visit.

The next day, Zeke went to Risa’s house to visit.

Because of her carefree and easy going demeanor, it was easy to forget that Risa was nobility. He deeply understood how far away she was from him upon seeing the large mansion where she lived. The stone path stretching towards the front door from the gate, the vibrant blossoms signaling summer on the bushes to the left and right of the path, the clean, green lawn stretching as far as the eye could see.

Zeke took a deep breath and knocked on the door with the metal door knocker.

Soon, the door opened to reveal the maid who came by yesterday to inform them that Risa had collapsed. He told her he was here to visit, and she quickly let him into the guest room. She told him to wait here, so he gave the gift he brought to the maid.

Thinking it uncouth of him to come empty handed, Zeke had prepared some citrus jelly. After all, one could easily eat jelly despite having no appetite for food, he thought. His six year old sister exclaimed it was delicious after taste testing, so he could vouch for the flavor.

Zeke told the maid to keep it chilled in the fridge, and she happily took it away.

After a while, a maid older than the previous one entered and led him to Risa’s room.

He felt imprudent intruding on the room of the girl he liked, but Zeke quickly forced his feelings down and followed the maid in.

Risa sat upright on the bed, her back against the bedpost, and welcomed Zeke with a smile.

“Thank you for coming, Zeke.”

Zeke was a little relieved to see her doing better than he thought despite her pale face.

“I’m sorry I’m meeting you like this.”

Risa said embarrassingly as she pulled up the covers a bit to cover herself. Instead of the usual café uniform, she wore pajamas with her long raven locks falling down her back. Zeke stopped himself from staring and asked after her health.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m much better than yesterday! My fever has gone down, too. The doctor said I collapsed from fatigue and lack of sleep. I would say the bump on my head from falling hurts more, though.”

Risa laughed, half joking.

“You all tried your best to keep the café open yesterday, right? I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I think I’ll temporarily close the café for around a week starting tomorrow. It would be good for you and Helena to stretch your wings a bit, too.”

Risa said with a smile, but it was very obvious to Zeke that her smile didn’t reach her eyes.

He had a bad feeling about this. If he agreed to this, it felt as if she would leave to somewhere far, far away… As if to confirm his suspicions, she would not look at him. The room filled with awkward silence.

Zeke watched Risa idly straighten the wrinkles on her covers and opened his mouth to speak.

“While you aren’t there, Miss Risa, I will protect the café.”

Risa looked up as his serious voice resounded through the room.

“Don’t worry about us and concentrate on getting better.”

Zeke’s blue eyes silently burned with determination.

Overwhelmed, Risa simply nodded. Zeke left the mansion.

Zeke went to the royal kitchen at the back of the palace, where once Risa commuted to offer her aid. The chefs were busy preparing for the evening meal. Amongst them was the head chef who noticed Zeke and beelined towards him.

“Head chef.”

“Who? …Ah, if I remember correctly, you’re from Lady Risa’s place… Zeke, was it? Why are you here?”

Head Chef McKinnies stared at Zeke, taken aback by his sudden appearance.

In response, Zeke bowed his head down towards him.

“I came to ask a favor. Would you please lend one of the chefs here to me?”


“Miss Risa collapsed yesterday.”

The head chef’s eyes seemed to pop out of his head at those words. The other chefs around them also stopped their movements and stared at Zeke in disbelief.

“Lady Risa?! Is she all right?!”

“Yes. It was from fatigue and lack of sleep.”

“Phew… That’s a relief. So because she’s at home recovering, the café is short of hands on deck, eh?”


McKinnies sighed and folded his arms.

“Hmmm. I’d really love to help, but you need someone capable right now, right? If I let a rookie go with you, he’ll only be a burden…”

“Head chef, I’ll go. Seriously, please let me go.”

One chef piped up from behind Zeke. Judging from his voice, Zeke knew that the chef was Keith Deringale. The tall man who pulled his brown hair back in a low ponytail was one year older than Zeke and the sous chef in the royal kitchen. Zeke couldn’t bring himself to like him.

Most people let their guard down upon witnessing Keith’s smile and his silver tongue. However, Zeke felt the underlying ice behind Keith’s facade, and felt very suspicious of him.

“Keith, eh… Well, I guess you’ll be helpful.”

Said the head chef, and Zeke clicked his tongue in secret, no longer able to ask for someone else. Regardless of how he felt about Keith, he respected Keith’s culinary skills. Keith had much more experience than Zeke after all. If anything, Keith’s position as sous chef when he was only in his thirties was ample proof of his skill.

There was no better helper for the café. 

Swallowing his distaste for the man, Zeke bowed to Keith.

“We’ll be in your care, then”

“Just so you know, this is for Lady Risa.”

Despite being irritated by Keith’s reply, Zeke still told Keith logistics such as opening time and his contact information before leaving the kitchen.

Nothing from Gil and Tasia about a man visiting Risa?! What?!
It looks like no one will be overworked the next time the café opens, yay!


Chapter 11: The store owner is not present.

… Risa collapsed.

That is what Zeke told Helena who had just arrived for work. He had been informed a few moments ago by a maid from Risa’s house.

“What?! Is she okay?!”

“The maid didn’t get into specifics, but she is not in mortal danger.”

Helena relaxed a little at that. She was reminded of the time when her mother passed away.

Anyways, if Risa was okay, they had to focus on the café. As the store owner wasn’t present, the decision whether the shop would open fell to Zeke.

“What about the café…?”

Helena asked. Zeke thought about it for a bit and said, “Let’s open business.”

Helena personally felt anxious about opening without Risa around, but she couldn’t help but nod at Zeke’s confident reply.

It would be better to have more hands on deck, though, Helena thought. She ran to Silas’s Magical Tools Store next door.

The poster girl, Angelica jumped and stopped halfway through her “welcome!” Ignoring her look of shock, Helena stomped up to the counter.

“Angie, please help us with the café!”

Just then, Angelica’s father, Gunt, peeked his head out from the back to see what was going on. He quickly agreed to lend Angelica, so Helena managed to get a helper for the café.

While they frantically ran around preparing, it was suddenly time to open shop. They somehow managed to open without too much trouble, but the workload only got worse as time went on.

The café quickly filled with customers as always, and orders came streaming in.

Helena and Angelica took turns taking orders and helping Zeke out in the kitchen.

All of the cooking that was usually split between Risa and Zeke fell on Zeke’s shoulders. Helena let Angelica take care of as much waiting as possible while she helped support Zeke by doing simple tasks like plating salads.

Even so, there were complaints from the customers that the food was slow to come.

The flurry of orders slowed down after lunchtime. While the café remained at full capacity, more customers came to have afternoon tea and spend the time idly.

Finally able to catch their breaths, the three employees (and helper) took rotating breaks.

When it was Helena’s turn, Zeke told her she could eat the leftovers from lunch. However, she couldn’t seem to find the appetite so she sipped at the lukewarm soup, reflecting on how fast the problem that Zeke mentioned previously had become reality.

… If one of us three fell sick, the café wouldn’t be able to run.

Angelica was helping out today, but she couldn’t help out every day. Besides, how long would it be possible to run the café without their backbone, Risa?

Helena violently shook her head to dispel her spiraling thoughts and downed the rest of the soup in one go, resolving to try her best to survive the rest of the café’s open hours.

“Thank you for your patronage.”

Helena sent out the last customer and flipped the sign hanging outside the door. She closed the door and let out a sigh. Their helper Angelica was collapsed on a chair with her head on the table.

She squeezed out a tired, “It’s finally over…”

“Thank you so much Angie! You’ve been such a great help, we couldn’t have done it without you!”

“Ahh… It’s really nothing…”

Angelica laughed and weakly raised her right hand to wave away the compliments.

Helena cleaned up the last of the dirty plates from the tables and headed towards the kitchen.

“Here’s the last batch.’

Zeke was washing the pile of dirty plates at the washing sink. Even he was tired out by the workload, as there was a sleepy air about him.

Helena said “Thanks again, you can go home now,” to Angelica and picked up the clean dishes next to Zeke to dry them.

“Mister Zeke, what are we going to do about the café from now on? Tomorrow is the regular holiday, but if Miss Risa needs more time to get better… We can’t keep asking Angelica to come help, but we don’t have time to hire and teach new employees, either.”

Helena looked at Zeke.

After a while, he answered, “You’re right… Let me think about it. For now I’ll go check on Miss Risa tomorrow.”

Helena knew that he was the most worried about Risa.

At first, Helena had thought Risa and Zeke were going out. After working with them, though, she understood that nothing could be further than the truth. Zeke began working under Risa after falling for her sweets, and their relationship was clearly that of a master and her student.

Even so, one was a man and the other a woman. She began to wonder whether Zeke was actually romantically attracted to Risa. She tried a wild guess the other day only to receive the blatant result of his flushed face, a stark contrast from his usual blank expression.

Regardless of his feelings, though, Helena had no interest in helping him. After all, her previous experience told her it was pointless for a third person to butt in and try to push things along.

The Central Women’s School Helena went to was on very friendly terms with the Central Men’s School, so there were a lot of opportunities to interact with the opposite sex. When friends got together, they would immediately start talking about love. Sometimes, even Helena would be told, “I like this person so help me out.”

There were times when collaboration did lead to fruition, but more often than not it would turn into full on war over one boy. Even bystanders would be dragged into the fray. Thus Helena learned that it was best to keep far, far away from other peoples’ love lives.

However, just a little would probably be okay, right? That was why Helena asked Zeke to go visit Risa alone. She lied, saying she had something she had to take care of tomorrow.

Helena had pulled pranks on Café Omusubi, blaming it for the horrible business at her family’s Chester Bakery. The one who reached out to help her back on the right track was Risa.

Not only that, but Risa even taught her father how to make the new, fluffy bread. She revered Risa as a human and as a woman.

Although she wouldn’t go out of her way to help, she would be happy if Risa and Zeke’s relationship took one step further.

While she thought about such things, Helena helped Zeke in silence as they finished closing up shop.

Enter right, FL-is-sick-so-ML-visits-her trope. Jokes aside this doesn’t seem to bode well for Café Omusubi… or for my food cravings!! Where has all the food gone! Give me food!


Chapter 10: I hear my stepfather’s opinions.

“Are you okay?”

Risa sat in the staff room on the second floor of the café with Gilford.

Most of the customers left along with the onlookers who came to see what the commotion was all about. Risa took a break after leaving the now empty café to Zeke and Helena.

“I’ll raise a formal protest towards the lady at a later date so rest easy.”

“Gil, I don’t really understand why it’s become like this… she suddenly threw her fan at me, too.”

“She did?! Good grief…”

Gilford grimaced and told Risa of the lady’s background.

Viscount Sylvares’s eldest son had brought his wife and their daughter on a business trip to the capital. While his interest was in trade, her interest was having their daughter seduce the crown prince and become the queen.

Although she tried various ways to have the crown prince interact with their daughter, none of her endeavors bore fruit. In frustration, she took to the streets in a shopping spree.

According to Gil, it reached her ears through the grapevine that Risa was the prime marriage candidate for the crown prince, and she practically flew to the café in a rage.

“She didn’t know that you’re the daughter of the Claude family. Even so, I really doubt how well their character and morals are when they defame someone in public like that.”

Gilford shrugged and said, “The people in between social classes trumpet their titles the loudest.”

His face turned serious, however and he looked at Risa.

“Regardless of where the information was leaked, it’s now public knowledge that you’re the prime marriage candidate for the crown prince. Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles. We will probably receive a formal proposal soon.”

Although he had not been present when Lucius had visited, Gilford had already known about this for quite some time. However, he had no wish to let his daughter’s hand be taken so he never spoke directly to Risa about it.

He recently heard rumors that there was a proposal in secret. Worried, he ran to Risa as fast as he could.

“If I reject the talks, will anything bad happen to the Claude family…?”

If she refused, Risa worried that there would be effects on the Claude family honor and Gilford’s position.

“It depends on your reason for refusing. Even if you are our daughter, it is ample reason to refuse the talks based on our lack of connection by blood. However, there are precedents of lower-ranking nobles who were adopted into higher-ranking noble families to marry royalty.”

Despite Risa just surviving the scandal in the café, Gilford voiced his opinions bluntly.

As long as she introduced herself with the Claude surname, Risa was a person of the Marquis of Claude. They informed her of the proposal and gave her the freedom to decide.

“You don’t have to think about the Claude family, just think about what you want to do. We didn’t adopt you as our daughter so we could be connected with royalty. If you want to marry His Highness Edgar, by all means do so. Of course, if you don’t want to, that’s okay too. Personally, I still want you to be my daughter for a long, long time.”

Risa simply smiled a troubled smile.

… Words have no wings but they can fly a thousand miles.

What a true saying, Risa thought as she grit her teeth.

The commotion yesterday served as the first spark, and word spread like fire across the whole street that Risa was the prime marriage candidate for the crown prince. The second the café opened, customers piled in over each other to press her on the truth of it.

As it was indeed true, she couldn’t deny it, only vaguely replying with “I cannot say anything on the matter.”

The first wave of customers were regulars and gossip-loving housewives. In the afternoon, however, the demographic changed as nobility began to appear in the crowd.

They set their targets on Risa and observed, judged her every move, not even bothering to enjoy their meals. Even Zeke and Helena were affected by the tense atmosphere.

Risa felt bad for them. Concerned for her, the two of them waited on the customers and managed to keep the café event free until closing time.

However, Risa realized with rising dread that the same situation would happen the following day, and she began to feel depressed about going to the café.

She barely slept that night. Dragging her feet behind her, Risa managed to get out of the house and began to walk towards the market.

The sky was covered with thick, gray clouds. It looked like it was going to rain today. The ocean was probably already showing signs of a storm, as all of the seafood stores were closed.

The vegetable and fruit stores displayed fresh wares as always, but due to the weather or her low mood, Risa couldn’t seem to see anything that stood out to her.

“Hm? Risa? You’re earlier than usual today.”

Risa stopped when she was called by the lady owner of one of the stores she frequented.

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.”

The lady owner’s brightness characteristic of a model saleswoman was blinding for Risa today.

I’ll talk to her for a minute or two and leave. Risa thought, but another woman who looked like a customer approached the stall, so Risa turned to leave.

At that moment.

Suddenly her vision blurred, and the sky tilted.

Hearing the lady owner and the customer’s frantic voices far off in the distance, Risa fell unconscious into the darkness.

“Words have no wings but they fly a thousand miles” is, supposedly, a Korean proverb. I couldn’t really think of any English sayings other than “word travels fast through the grapevine” and it wasn’t the image I was looking for, so I asked Mr. Google for answers.

Oh no! Risa passed out! Alert the media! THE FEMALE LEAD HAS PASSED OUT!


Chapter 9: Trouble at the store.

The sound of glass breaking resounded through the café, followed by a piercing shriek.

Risa ran out of the kitchen to see what was going on.

The deafening silence, usually filled by the usual bustle of customer small talk, was now filled with Helena’s apologizing voice and a female customer’s whining voice.

Risa ran to the center of the commotion while all the other customers watched on.

“What is the matter?”

She stopped next to Helena to see there were bits of broken glass on the ground.

A plump female customer sat as if perched on her throne next to the glass.

She sized Risa up, scrutinizing her from head to toe before saying, “You’re the store owner?”


“Is that so. Then fire this rude employee on the spot.”

She said, glaring at Helena as if that was Helena’s just desserts.

Although Risa wasn’t sure what had happened, she politely bowed and apologized.

“I’m terribly sorry if she caused you any dissatisfaction.”

She felt Helena bow next to her.

“Thanks to you, my newly tailored clothes are ruined, ruined I say! I doubt people like you can understand, but custom orders are the most luxurious clothes out there, okay?!”

“I deeply apologize. Allow me to wipe it off for you.”

Risa looked at Helena and sent her to grab a dry cloth.

Fortunately the spilled liquid was water, and the small part of the customer’s clothes that had been wet was slightly darker than its surroundings.

Risa stooped over her and gently dabbed at the wet spot.

“I’m sorry that your clothes got wet. By the way, have you ordered?”

“Do I look like I have? Of course I haven’t!”

“I see. I’ll take your order now, then.”

Once the customer calmed down a bit, Risa quickly took her order in hopes to quickly fill her stomach. Perhaps she was just hangry.

The customer immediately pointed to some things on the menu, ordering for the quiet girl sitting across from her as well.

It seemed the girl was her daughter. Unlike her mother, the girl looked frail and delicate and sat still as if trying to erase her own existence.

Her quiet demeanor was the complete opposite of her fiery mother.

Said mother was still irritated by all the attention, and shooed Risa away with a “what are you waiting for? Take it away” after giving her the menu.

Thanking her lucky stars, Risa returned to the kitchen with Helena, who had just finished cleaning up the broken glass.

“I’m so sorry.”

Helena hung her head in dejection.

“It’s okay. She’s calmed down for now.”


“Ah, don’t worry about getting fired. There’s no way I would fire you over something like that, so rest easy.”

“I placed the glass in a bad place. The customer’s wrist just happened to knock it over…”

She must have such a fiery temper to be angry over such a small thing.

Helena had always been very talented with improvising on the spot with customers. It was very rare for Helena to be so troubled.

“I will take care of that customer, so could you support Zeke in the kitchen while she’s here?”

Risa looked at Zeke who had been watching them from the worktable, and he nodded.

She left Helena to Zeke and brought the cake tray he made out of the kitchen.

The mother and daughter calmly accepted and cleaned up the cake tray before jauntily leaving the café. Risa gave them an assortment of cookies on their way out as an apology, and they received it despite their incessant complaints.

The other customers were all tense from the mother’s outburst, and the air was significantly relaxed once the pair left.

One of the regulars, the wife of the neighboring hardware store owner, came to pay the bill soon afterwards. Her husband was the one who made the hanging signboard for the café.

She often brought the other wives of the tools street, or came to cool her head after fighting with her husband. She was alone today, so it was more likely for the latter reason.

She overheard everything from her seat at the counter, and she whispered to Risa as she paid the bill.

“Helena did nothing wrong! My, that customer made a waterfall out of a few droplets of water. What a troublesome bunch nobility are!”

As Risa had suspected from the holier-than-thou attitude and the expensive clothes, the customer was nobility.

“I believe she is part of the family of the lord who has land to the west of the capital. Well, she’s the wife of the lord’s son. She came to visit the capital just recently and had been causing quite the disturbance in the shopping districts.”

It appears the customer had been raising an uproar in other stores as well. The hardware store lady sighed and bemoaned her woes to Risa.

“Even if her husband is the son of the lord, that’s a lord out in the country! They don’t even know if the son will be the successor. It’s been whispered up and down the streets that she came to drive a hard bargain and sell her daughter into marriage with the crown prince.”

Risa’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing “crown prince.”

Just then, a new customer came in.

The hardware store lady said, “sorry to keep you,” and left, not noticing Risa’s paled face.

The mother and daughter pair came the next day as well. Seeing them drained Risa’s energy, but she couldn’t chase them out. Meanwhile, Helena saw the pair and retreated into the kitchen.

Risa switched with Helena and went towards the customers in question. She smiled warmly and combatted the holier-than-thou attitude with grace and humility. The mother seemed pleased by Risa’s attitude and left in high spirits with her daughter after eating.

The incident happened the next day.

It was busier than usual, and there was a long line of customers waiting to be seated.

The mother pushed past the line into the store and immediately threw the fan in her hand at Risa, hitting her in the chest. It didn’t hurt much, but the suddenness of it all surprised Risa, who stiffened at the impact.

“Why this young lass?! Of course my daughter is more suitable! How dare you! What lowly tactics did you use?!”

The mother screamed in a high pitch whine. Risa failed to grasp the situation.

“I have no idea what you are talking about…”

Risa replied, to which the mother flew into a fury and shrieked louder.

“How shameless! It’s as clear as day that you seduced His Highness the crown prince! A peasant like you can only hope for a position as a concubine, and you dare reach for the throne?! Know your place!”

Risa was surprised as to why she knew about the talks that Lucius said were still confidential.

The mother suddenly smiled triumphantly as if Risa’s exhaustion signaled victory. She began to defame not only Risa, but also the café, tearing it to shreds with verbal accusations and petty criticisms. There was no sign of the pleased customer from yesterday.

Her screams could be heard from outside the café, and soon there was a crowd outside the entrance.

Risa stood petrified by her yells. Then Zeke stepped in front of Risa.

“You are affecting the business. It would be best that you leave.”

“E-excuse me?!”

“Can you not see that you are bothering the other customers? If you refuse to step down, I will call in the Chivalric Order.”

Zeke said firmly, his face kept passively blank yet his eyes glinting.

Just then, a familiar face pushed out of the crowd.

“What’s going on?”

There was no way he should have been on the streets on a weekday at lunchtime, but he must have ditched work as always. Yes, it was Risa’s stepfather, Gilford.

He took one look at Risa, who was shielded by Zeke, and the customer who stood with her legs apart and her arms crossed. He nodded, understanding the situation.

“You are… the wife of the eldest son of Viscount Sylvares of the Western Territory, yes?”

“Yes, I am.”

She stared suspiciously at Gilford, who appeared out of nowhere, and puffed her chest out and her chin up in pride when he guessed her position correctly.

“I see, I see. Perhaps this is the first time we have met? I am the Head Royal Magician, Gilford Hyde Claude.”

Gilford said, bowing respectfully. The blood drained from the customer’s face.

She was from the family of a viscount, one of the lowest ranks of nobility. On the other hand, Gilford was the Head Royal Magician and held the title of a marquis. She finally understood what she had done after not even recognizing his face and forcing him to introduce himself before her.

Gilford hammered in the last nail on the coffin.

“Did you have some problem with my daughter’s café?”


She shook like a leaf upon hearing Gilford’s words.

“U-uhm, I…”

“Please leave.”

Despite her utter and complete defeat, the customer still tried to inch out a few words. However, she was cut off sharply by Gilford, and wandered out of the café.

Yeahh, hecc you Karen!! Get her Gilford!!!

Completely unrelated and definitely not on purpose, but early Chapter 9 at 9AM MST on September (9) 9th 😉


Chapter 8: Bull’s-eye.

Definitely not late because I forgot to schedule posts nope nope coughs
Please enjoy the double chapter today! Both are short and sweet but are full of Plot Thickening ™.

… She was acting strangely lately.

Zeke felt something off about Risa.

The day she told them about the Culinary Department, she was clearly acting strangely. However, for these past few days, while she didn’t seem so at a glance, something about her seemed off.

She would be waiting on customers or cooking in her usual, quick way. Suddenly her smile would disappear and she would look depressed. This had happened many times now.

Perhaps Zeke only noticed because he always watched her with his eyes.

One day Zeke discovered his feelings upon Helena pointing it out.

“Mister Zeke, you must really like Miss Risa, huh?”

Zeke felt the weird emotion in him grow clearer when he heard those words.

… Yeah, I’m in love with her.

The second he thought that, his face suddenly rose in temperature.

Surprised at this sudden change that had never happened before, he pressed the back of his hand against his cheek.

“…Huh? I just took a wild guess but I hit the nail on the head?”

Helena stared at Zeke, her jaw dropped in shock.

Even though Zeke acted cool, he still had emotions.

It was fun to think about recipes he liked. He felt anger towards unreasonable things, and of course he felt joy and sadness.

It simply did not show on his face. Not only that, he was succinct with his words, so it was hard for others to tell what he was thinking.

Only Zeke’s family and friends who had hung around him for a long time could read Zeke’s emotions.

However, looking back on it, Risa seemed to pick up on them as soon as she met him.

He may have been projecting as she was someone he respected, but she seemed to read her like a book despite the lack of any expression.

Despite all that, Risa didn’t seem to notice his crush. She probably thought Zeke’s friendliness stemmed from none other than respect.

Even so, he had no desire to let her notice. He feared ruining the current relationship they had at this moment.

Besides, there was also the question of whether they were a fitting couple.

As a chef, he was still an amateur. Although he had amassed more knowledge and skill than when he had just started working at the café, he still entreated teaching from Risa.

Day after day, Zeke was overwhelmed by her seemingly endless knowledge and ideas conjured out of thin air. That was nothing compared to the distance, the gap between them.

Even so, he wanted all of Risa one day.

Risa, who masked her thoughts and worries with a smile.

He wanted her to confide in him and to allow him to kiss her sorrows away.

Unable to inform the target of his attention of his feelings mixed with concern and ulterior motives, Zeke smoldered within himself.


Chapter 7: Leave your troubles for when you make meringue.

Definitely not late because I forgot to schedule posts nope nope coughs
Please enjoy the double chapter today! Both are short and sweet but are full of Plot Thickening ™.

The light clang of metal on metal formed a rhythm.

Risa held the silver bowl in her arm as she whipped the egg whites with a whisk.

Usually she would use the mixer to make meringue, but today was an exception.

It was the regular holiday today, so there were no customers or the two employees.

She didn’t really want to stay home, so she holed herself up in the café kitchen. Even so, she couldn’t motivate herself to make a new recipe, so she was doing brainless work.

So many things had happened recently, so she wanted to have some time to herself to think.

The request to be the consultant for the Culinary Department, the recruitment for new employees, and the marriage talks with His Highness Edgar.

Putting the recruitment aside, she was extremely underqualified for the Culinary Department and the marriage talks.

Suppose she did marry His Highness Edgar. She would not be able to continue running the café.

All royalty that came of age in the Feliformia Kingdom dabbled in politics. Of course, that included His Majesty and Her Majesty, but His Highness Edgar who would lead the next generation already had a position. If she became his spouse, Risa would also be given a political position.

She didn’t need to think about that to know it was impossible.

After all, Risa had come to this country, no, this world for less than two years. She knew next to nothing about this world, especially when it came to politics.

In addition, even though Risa was the daughter of a marquis, she was adopted.

Of course, Lucius might not know this fact, but the spouse of the crown prince should still be a lady with noble blood. If this were an average marriage talk, His Highness Edgar might have been the ideal spouse, what with his incredible character and income. However, he was the crown prince of a country.

It wasn’t like she loved His Highness Edgar, but there was a reason why she couldn’t refuse on the spot.

That was the joy that Anastasia showed when they were informed. She was best friends with His Highness Edgar’s mother, Her Majesty Adelisia.

Risa’s refusal would likely cause her deep sorrow, so Risa couldn’t put her foot down.

Besides… Risa thought.

The people of this world expected Risa to provide unfamiliar and new flavors to them. While she was happy about it, she also felt immense pressure from them.

If she married His Highness Edgar, wouldn’t she be set free from that pressure?

Risa almost went with the flow, the unimaginable duties and troubles of the crown princess seeming better than all the troubles she had right now.

She was suddenly brought back to reality, noticing that the bowl was full of meringue. Suddenly feeling all the exhaustion in her right wrist, Risa placed the bowl on the table.

Her sigh in the quiet kitchen sounded strangely deafening.


Chapter 6: An envoy came to visit.

A week after she heard about the establishment of the Culinary Department, Risa decided it was about time she should reply. 

She decided to reject the offer, and took up a pen to write a letter to Royce.

Just when she thought about how to start, she heard a knock on her room door.

“My Lady, are you free right now?”

The voice behind the closed door was that of the head maid Mary.

“Miss Mary, what is it?”

“Madam has summoned you.”


Thinking she could write the letter later, Risa followed Mary out of the room.

Apparently Anastasia was in the guestroom.

… Is Mister Royce here again? Then I can tell him my answer right away.

So Risa thought, but the one waiting for her was not Royce.

Sitting across from Anastasia was a man well into his years with a head of silver hair. His silver eyes behind glasses were warm and kind.

However, he observed Risa intently as if to judge her character.

“Risa, over here.”

Anastasia waved Risa in from the entrance to a seat next to her.

“This is my daughter, Risa.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Risa.”

“It is an honor to meet you. I am Lucius Zach,” he introduced himself gracefully.

“Mister Lucius is the Grand Chamberlain of the royal palace.”

“Hohoho, it may be not too long before I retire, however.”

Anastasia added, to which Lucius smiled calmly.

Risa tilted her head at his tilted. What business does the Grand Chamberlain possibly have?

After they finished introductions, RIsa sat down and Lucius spoke.

“I have already spoken with Mrs. Anastasia, but I asked if you could be present as I wanted to tell you as well. This is still secret, but there are talks of marriage between Lady Risa and His Highness the Crown Prince Edgar.”

“Marriage… talks?”

“I was surprised, too! Adele and I had joked about how “we’ll be relatives if our children marry, ohohoho,” but I had no idea it would blow up like this!”

Risa had met His Highness Edgar many times when she went in and out of the royal kitchen in preparation for the international royal conference. During the ball for that conference, he had also escorted Risa.

“Her Majesty Adele has given her approval and would love for this to go through.”

“I… see.”

Risa replied, still unable to grasp reality.

… She probably means as a concubine, right…

“His Highness Edgar will one day ascend to the throne. If the marriage talks go through, Lady Risa will become the future queen.”

Lucius continued, shattering Risa’s thoughts.

… Future queen… me?

Risa stared at Lucius blankly.

“Pardon my rudeness, but Lady Risa, is there a man that you are currently intimately acquainted with?”

“N-no, there isn’t…”

“I see. That is a relief to hear. I understand you have met with His Highness Edgar many times now, so you are well acquainted with his character. Your ages are quite close as well, so I am certain he will become a good partner for you.”

“If I remember correctly, His Highness Edgar is one year older than Risa, yes? Oh, you two looked perfect for each other when he escorted you!”

Anastasia said joyfully as she put her hands together in front of her chest.

That day, Risa had only managed to stand by His Highness Edgar’s side without embarrassing herself thanks to the amazing work of Anastasia, Her Majesty Adele, and the royal maids. Risa could not see herself in her reflection that day.

Risa was flustered by the sudden talk of marriage, but Anastasia seemed all for it.

Lucius said, “please consider it, I await your answer,” and left.

In the manga, I translated Lucius’s surname as Zaal ザール (zaaru). I noticed when I was translating this chapter that I had misread his name. It’s actually ザハー (zahaa). In the manga, too, Gil is present, not Tasia. It’s interesting to see the reactions of both parents!


Chapter 5: Interviews are hard.

The next day, they began recruiting new employees: one waiter and one cook. There were two conditions: “can work long term,” and as there was no time to teach the rookie, “experienced only.”

They immediately put up flyers inside and outside the store and immediately received many applications. They asked for the applicants’ names and told them the interviews would be in three days, before the store opened.

Word spread, and even more people visited the next day to apply. Risa was very happy to hear that there were more than ten applicants within two days of recruiting.

Zeke and Helena weren’t hired via recruiting, after all. Zeke basically forced himself in, while Helena began working as atonement. Regardless of how they were hired, both of them were now indispensable comrades. Risa hoped that the new employees this round would also become a part of their team.

Her hopes couldn’t be farther from the truth. Perhaps she had placed her hopes too high.

The day of the interviews, Risa was taken aback by the crowd of applicants in front of the shop.

Although she knew this beforehand, most, if not all of the applicants were women. The café customer demographic also leaned towards the female side, so she had predicted it would be that way, and she was okay with that.

She was not okay with their appearance. All of the girls were incredibly fashionable.

Not that being fashionable was a bad thing.

However, they were so dressed up that Risa almost wanted to ask them, “are you going on a date?” She could not imagine that any of these girls thought seriously about becoming an employee at a restaurant.

Of course, not all of them were dressed so prettily, and perhaps it would be better not to judge a book by its cover. They all came for the interview, so Risa asked them all to enter the store and take a seat. She called their names one by one to the second floor.

The interview questions included their name, age, experience, and why they applied.

All the girls had a similar reason to why they applied. Risa didn’t really mind that, as she also had a similar reason when she interviewed for part-time and full-time jobs.

However, they all had a strong smell about them. All the girls had applied extremely fragrant perfume. When she observed each and every one of them, they all had polished, long nails that seemed fresh from a manicure. Although it was good that they were putting in the work to take care of their hands, it wasn’t suited for serving customers at a restaurant.

After she finished all of the interviews, Risa turned towards her two employees with mental exhaustion written all over her face.

“…What do you think?”

Risa asked, and Helena answered with a dejected expression.

“I believe I have the same opinion as you, Miss Risa.”

Zeke seemed ill from all the smells as he pinched the bridge of his nose, a dark cloud over his face.

“For now, let’s send the girls back and tell them no one is hired.”

“I agree, we still have to prepare for business.”

The three of them simultaneously sighed and went down the stairs to the first floor. Risa announced to the applicants:

“Thank you for coming here today. After some discussion, unfortunately we have decided not to hire anyone today. This was truly a painful decision to make. I hope I will still see you visit our café as customers.”

There were people who sighed with disappointment, people who immediately put their things together to leave, and people who for some reason looked towards her happily. Amidst the reactions, Risa could not see a single person who really wanted to work at the café.

Just then, one of the girls spoke timidly.

“Uhm~… Could I shake Mister Zeke’s hand before I go?”

She gazed expectantly at Zeke.

“Ah! Me too~”

“No fair! Mister Zeke, me too!”

Once one of them spoke up, all of them pushed each other to crowd around Zeke. Zeke quailed at the herd of women and backed away, but they were not to be deterred and clasped his hands.


Risa’s chest suddenly stung with pain. Surprised, Risa pressed a hand on her chest.

It went as quickly as it came, but a dark fog began to spread through her chest.

Risa recognized this feeling—jealousy.

The girls eagerly talked to Zeke, who only replied with “yeah” or “no.” It was blatantly clear from their starstruck eyes that they all had crushes on him.

Regardless of how Zeke felt about the matter, right now there were girls at his side that weren’t Risa.

“All right, all right, excuse me, that’s enough!”

Helena clapped her hands briskly, bringing Risa out of her thoughts.

Saved by Helena, Zeke quickly removed himself from the crowd.

The girls raised their voices in disappointment and reluctantly left the café.

The store was filled with the heavy smell of perfume even after all the girls left.

“I had anticipated this, but not to this extent.”

“Anticipated what?”

Risa asked Helena as she opened all the windows to air out the café.

“What type of applicants would come. The girls who came today probably thought of working here as some kind of social advantage. The uniform was designed by the famous Sheryl Merry, and the desserts have royal purveyor status. It can’t be helped for them to think so. Not only that, but Mister Zeke is quite popular. He has the experience as an ex-knight, and I mean… he looks like that. A lot of customers come just to see him, too. Even if they fail the interview, maybe they have a chance of getting closer to him… or so a lot of the girls were probably thinking?”

Helena chattered while she furiously polished the tables.

Almost all of the applicants today wished to fill the waiter position.

A restaurant waiter was no easy job.

Even if they smiled brightly while wearing a cute uniform, it was basically physical labor. A tray piled full with cakes and drinks was by no means light. As they had to relay orders between the kitchen and the dining hall, waiters would be walking all day.

None of the girls who came to the interview seemed to have the determination to do work.

As the current sole waitress, Helena probably felt even more strongly about their lack of determination. Her frustration threw her past disappointment into pure wrath.

Leaving the efficient yet furious Helena behind, Risa went towards the kitchen.

… For Zeke, huh…

Zeke had already begun preparing for lunch as if the interviews were long forgotten. His profile as he broke apart leafy greens into a bowl, while blank, was very handsome.

Although she hadn’t noticed since they met every day, he was no doubt a handsome man. When the café was busy, he would also help out on the front. The girls he waited on would often stare into space after him.

… I never felt anything before, though…

Where in the world did that jealousy come from?

“Is something the matter, Miss Risa?”

Zeke stopped what he was doing and looked towards Risa, who stood stock still at the kitchen entrance.

“Sorry, sorry, I’ll go make the soup.”

Risa smiled at him, pretending everything was all right.

Hmm… hmmmmmm… Risa you okay there?


Chapter 4: Risa is also troubled.

The next day after Royce came to talk about establishing the Culinary Department.

After a long time, Risa went to visit the royal kitchen to meet with the Head Chef Ian McKinnies.

Royce had approached him first about the Culinary Department, and McKinnies had coached many royal chefs over the years. Risa believed he was much more suitable for being the consultant for the Culinary Department.


Risa peeked into the kitchen, and several chefs who recognized her replied to her energetically.

“Miss Risa, what did you come here today for?”

One of the chefs, surprised at her sudden appearance, asked her in surprise. In his eyes were also a small glint of hope.

“I just have a question for the Head Chef. The café is opening soon, so I can’t stay long.”

“I see…”

Risa couldn’t help but laugh in guilt and mirth at his disappointed reply. He immediately cheered up and left the kitchen, leaving “I’ll go call the Head Chef!!” behind him. Risa only laughed harder.

After a little while, he returned with a more elderly chef.

“Long time no see! I knew you would come.”

“Long time no see, Mister McKinnies.”

The man, who would not look like he was a cook if he hadn’t worn chef clothes, was the Head Chef Ian McKinnies.

He told his subordinates he would leave the kitchen for a while, and accompanied Risa outside.

“Sorry I don’t have a room for you.”

“It’s okay. The café will be opening soon, so I wouldn’t be able to sit and relax anyways.”

McKinnies and Risa sat down on the haphazardly stacked boxes next to the staff entrance.

“You’re here about that right? The talks about the Culinary Department.”

“Yes. I heard you turned down the proposal, Mister McKinnies?”

“Yeah. I feel that you’re more suitable for the job than me, Lady Risa.”

“I believe the contrary. You have many years of experience in coaching rookies as the Head Chef.”

“Well, in the royal kitchen, yeah. But all the guys here have already come of age. The program in the academy is for kids at least three years younger than that, right? I’ve never taught anyone that young, and they’ll only piss their pants when they see me.”

He shrugged his shoulders, and Risa couldn’t help but chuckle.

Not only did McKinnies have a stronger build, but he also looked perpetually unimpressed. His eyebrows seemed to have been drawn with a thick marker, and he had a sharp glare. If he roared in his naturally low voice, the children would be helpless in their fear.

He sighed, relating how his recently born grandson had also burst into tears upon meeting him, and Risa couldn’t stop laughing.

“Well, leaving aside my looks, I still think you’ll do better. Of course, I’ll help any way I can. You probably need to hire more employees for the café. It’ll be fine as long as you start preparing now.”

Risa smiled and changed the subject after hearing his warning.

Both had their work to do so they did not talk for long, but Risa felt lighter afterwards. She was still troubled by it, though, and she went to work with a heavy heart.

“Miss Risa, it’s overflowing.”

At Zeke’s voice, Risa was pulled back down to earth.

The pot she was filling was overflowing with water. Risa hurried to turn off the water, and wondered regretfully how much she had wasted.

“Are you all right? First it was Helena, and today it’s you, Miss Risa.”

“Ahaha, sorry.”

Risa laughed drily at Zeke’s concerned gaze.

Just then, Helena brought some empty plates into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?”

She stared at the two who had stopped cooking.

“Miss Risa’s head was in the clouds like you were a while back, so I was wondering if she was okay.”

“What! Miss Risa, are you in love?!”

Helena jumped over to Risa, her eyes shining with excitement.


Before Risa could deny it, Zeke exclaimed in surprise.

“… No, it’s not like that…”

Risa said slowly. Both Helena and Zeke heaved a sigh, to which Risa tilted her head in confusion.

“Whaaat, it wasn’t love?” Helena said in disappointment as she left the kitchen.

“What’s wrong, Zeke?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

With that, Zeke immediately returned to his work.

… What is up with these two…

Risa tilted her head again. She shook it off and returned to the work at hand.

“A Culinary Department, huh.”

After the café closed, Risa told Helena and Zeke about the establishment of the Culinary Department.

McKinnies also suggested she talk to the two of them, and she also thought it wasn’t just her own problem.

“That’s amazing! Hasn’t it been a few decades since the National Academy last added a new program?”

“I don’t really know the specifics, but it seems so.”

“Mister Zeke graduated from the Chivalry Department there, right?”


“Huh, what about Helena?”

“I didn’t go to the Academy. I graduated from the Central Women’s School.”

“Wow, is that so? It’s a women’s school, so there were only girls there?”

“Yes. I only had my father growing up, so he told me to go and learn how to be a proper woman… Seriously, I would have preferred to go to the Academy.”

According to Helena, there were many schools other than Zeke’s alma mater, Feliformia National General Magic Academy, and Helena’s alma mater, Feliformia Central Women’s School. However, the National Academy was more prestigious than other schools and had a higher employment rate. Most of the people who held important positions in the country graduated from the Academy.

“What an amazing school…”

Hearing all this, Risa felt more and more like the responsibility was too heavy for her to bear this time.

“As I thought, it’s asking too much for me to be the consultant for the establishment…”


Helena and Zeke stared in shock at Risa, who held her head in her hands.

“That’s amazing, Miss Risa!”


Helena said brightly, the complete opposite of the gloomy Risa.

“You contributed so much to the international royal conference last year, so it’s only natural, but that’s still so amazing! That means your cooking has been acknowledged, Miss Risa!”

Helena chattered excitedly as if it were she who had obtained the consultant position. However, Risa was taken aback by her reaction, completely caught off guard.

Zeke also nodded approvingly.

“Yes. Making a new department means that the country is attempting to improve its food as well. Since the purpose lines up with the reason Miss Risa opened this store, we couldn’t hope for better, right?”

What Zeke said was true. In the first place, Café Omusubi had opened because Risa was so shocked by the huge gap in food between worlds, so she set out to improve it.

“It’s a blessing that there will be a Culinary Department, but it doesn’t seem possible centered around me. My hands are full with just this store…”

Clearly it was way past her possible workload. Risa was not as great a person as the two were making her out to be. In Risa’s previous world, her culinary knowledge and skill were worthless.

Even so, she was lauded for her new flavors and new recipes in this world.

At first she had taken the compliments honestly and was glad to hear them. She was happy to make the food when she saw the people in the Claude mansion and the café customers eat so happily.

For a short while, she was even proud of herself, thinking, “what great work I’m doing for so many people to be happy about it.”

However, she was soon visited by fear as black as the abyss.

Once new things were released, what had originally been around would grow old. While a universal truth, Risa experienced that firsthand.

… One year after the café began.

She was fortunate to have regulars, who happily came to the café for the food. However, they soon grew tired of the existing menu.

The second they entered the store, they would ask if there were any new recipes. Risa was made acutely aware of their expectation for new flavors from her.

Heavy expectation and the pressure that accompanied it. How long and how far did she have to go?

Even if she turned her back on the problem, somewhere deep inside of her lamented her troubles.

Ignoring Risa’s long face, Helena raised her hand enthusiastically with an “ooh, me, pick me!”

“This is great timing! Shouldn’t we increase the number of employees now? See, I might marry and quit too.”

“Helena, you’re getting married?”

“One day, Zeke, one day! I was just dumped by my boyfriend so it won’t happen for a while, though.”

“That’s why you were spacing out a few days ago?”

To Zeke’s words, Helena laughed with no sign of the dark cloud from before on her face.

She had moved on, Risa thought in relief.

“Putting Helena’s marriage aside, I also agree that we should increase our employees. It would be difficult to go on with just us three. If someone were to fall sick, the store would not be able to open.”

“Hmm, you’re right.”

“What do you mean, putting my marriage aside!”

Helena exclaimed furiously. Risa laughed and calmed her down.

It was late at night, so they left to go home.

Hmm… hmmmmmm… Zeke’s reaction is quite curious… very curious…